Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Singapore Writer's Fest starts tomorrow!

I'm a bit duh when it comes to things like festivals here in Singapore but when my sister told me that Cory Doctorow (my current favourite writer!) is coming to the Singapore Writer's Festival, I sat up and took notice. So this festival... looks pretty cool, actually. Not only will Cory Doctorow be there, so will Bruce Sterling- one of my all-time fave science fiction authors. The mind reels. The idea of getting to see these two literary luminaries in person boggles my mind. I've never actually met any of my heroes... Well there's a first time for everything. Now if they'd gotten Neal Stephenson to come down too it'd be a 3rd strike and I'd be out... cold (gah... what a horrible mixing of metaphors I have attempted).
I think I'll attend all the free talks on Science Fiction / Fantasy as well as the talks on Writings in Cyberspace. Kinda the obvious choice for a blogger I figure. Plus I guess I should really try n be part of the big Singapore blogging community. I only actually read Mr Brown n Mr Miyagi's blogs... but I could make more of an effort to see what else is out there that's cool.
Oh yeah, back to the fest. The talks on Graphic Novels should be interesting. I'm crazy about comics after all. Tho sadly I have no idea who the speakers are for those talks.
All in all, the coming week should be damn interesting.