Friday, December 09, 2005

Renovations in progress!

Ah it's a lovely December in Singapore! Well actually, it's the rainy season now but we haven't had any gloomy all-day rains. Just these really impressive mini-storms which are just like a real storm- complete with howling winds, black clouds, really thick rain with water drops the size of melons and a lightning and thunder show worthy of a Special Effects Academy Award- but last just around half an hour, leaving behind a lot of wet.

The upshot of all this is that the temperatures gone down to a level where air-conditioning is not necessary to survive. Whopee!

Well, 2006 is less than a month away so I'm doing some early spring-cleaning. To fit in with the New Year's theme of rebirth and renewal, I'm in the process of changing the look and feel of this blog. Once I'm done with that, it's back to regular blogging. I've been reading/watching/listening to a lot of stuff lately and my head is full to bursting with thoughts and ideas about said stuff, which will overflow into this blog shortly (the thoughts and ideas, not my head).

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