Friday, June 09, 2006

In Turkey, Spider-Man has face-eating gerbils!

EDIT: Replaced another missing Youtube video!

The insanity!

I've seen some crazy movies in my time, but nothing as amazingly weird as 3 DEV ADAM (3 Mighty Men)- a movie in which Captain America and mexican masked wrestler (and national icon) El Santo team up to battle the evil... SPIDER-MAN!!! I kid you not. Apparently in the 70's and 80's, mere trifles like lack of a budget or copious copyright violations didn't stop Turkish filmmakers from making movies with, well, whatever they felt like.

Case in point: The Man Who Saves The World, AKA Turkish Star Wars- a movie that used footage from the original Star Wars along with music from Battlestar Galactica and Raiders of the Lost Ark to tell a completely different, and completely ridiculous, story! Check out the video clips at ifilm and see for yourself (the one simply labelled 'Fight Scene' is really great- the hero beats up a dozen muppet-looking monsters, killing one by ripping off it's arms and impaling it with them!!!).

OK back to 3 DEV ADAM! Spider-Man is really, really evil in this movie (I'm guessing he's bitter at losing all his powers and having grown a beer belly and bushy eyebrows). How evil? Well, in the opening scene he orders his hench-men to bury a woman up to her neck in sand and then gets them to back up a boat towards her. Propeller meets head = DEATH (don't worry folks- the nasty death occurs off-screen. The audience just gets to see a splash of blood)! If that wasn't enough, he later uses gerbils (yes, GERBILS) to eat a guy's face (it's in the trailer, folks!). This Spider-Man also enjoys strangling girls in showers and stabbing Mafiasos with switch-blades. For a full breakdown of the crazy plot, check out's multi-page review.

Oh boy, the Turkish translators for Marvel comics must've been terrible if they gave people the impression that Spider-Man was a super-villain, and an INSANE one at that! Anyway, this marvel-lous (hyuck, hyuck) movie just got re-released by Onar Films- I figure it's worth checking out for sheer humour value alone. What I really want to see, though, is a 1966 black-and-white Turkish Spider-Man movie, the existence of which I found out from this FFWD Weekly article about the world of Turkish cinema. Look at his costume!!!

Psychedelic, baby!

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