Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Natalie Portman- Gangsta Style

Update: NBC's at it again! They've forced Youtube to take down the video, but they have put it up on their own site. The video player STILL doesn't work in Firefox. Note to NBC: HIRE A BETTER WEB CODER!

The Lonely Island boys are at it again. After their phenomenal Lazy Sunday video (which, curiously enough, is no longer available on Youtube. Oh, apparently NBC forced the site to take it down. It's still availabe on NBC's website... except that the video player doesn't work in Firefox. Works on IE- for a change- but the video's really choppy. Oh heck. Just find the video on P2P. It's well worth it.) and their funny though not amazing Chuck Norris video (which I embedded in this earlier post), they've now recruited the gorgeous Natalie Portman to do a hilarious gangsta rap parody. First V for Vendetta, now this. That girl is busy cementing her status as the most awesome actress of her generation. Respect. Heh.

Update: Oh poo, they've taken down the video.

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