Friday, November 04, 2005

How does Madonna stay so cool??

Her new song, Hung Up, is eminently danceable pop bliss. Listen to it on her site. Then get an awesome remix, featuring the ubercool M.I.A., here.

Even cooler than the song is its video! Madonna calls it a tribute to dance, and it shows. It's got a supremely-flexible b-girl (who is she???), le parkour (which isn't dancing, but its such a beautiful expression of human motion that it fits right in), a gorgeous sequence set in a Chinese restaurant, some krumping and DDR! Sadly, nobody plays the game- they just dance on the machines. But its still cool. In fact, its very cool.

Check it out in either high and low Windows Media flavours (bleh) or streaming Quicktime.

On a related note, POPJUSTICE's got a rather good interview with the producer of Madonna's new album, Stuart Price (his name, not the album's- which is Confessions On A Dance Floor).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...It's got a supremely-flexible b-girl (who is she???)...
She's Sofia Boutella, a french Hip Hop dancer, also known as the Nike Woman 2005 (the brackedancer in the nike spot against the speakers).

Nike Woman 2005

Nike Spot