Saturday, November 05, 2005

Trailer for Singaporean CGI Movie 'Kungfu Gecko'

So Nickson Fong, a Singaporean CGI dude who worked on Hollywood films like Shrek and Matrix: Reloaded, and his team at Egg Story are making an animated movie called Kungfu Gecko!

The official site's got Quicktime trailers in high, medium and low sizes.

So how is it? From a technical perspective, it's excellent! Detailed textures, nice particle effects, realistic lighting, they've got it all down. But it's not a tech demo, it's a movie trailer. And from that perspective... it's lousy. The character designs are unappealing (my sister just called them "weird"), the first action sequence rips-off Spider-Man, and the comedy bits at the end are just flat.

Given that this is this is Kungfu Gecko's first trailer, I'll give Egg Story the benefit of doubt. The movie's slated for a 2008 release so they've got PLENTY of time to work on storyline and characterisations. OK they probably won't change the character designs but I could look past that. I just hope they don't suffer from 'Final Fantasy' syndrome- an extreme case of style over substance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comments. Point noted ..... you are absolutely right, technically it is excellent. We are currently back in pre-production, so as you have mentioned, we have some time to make this right. Remember, we can only be better with each & everyone's comments. Cheers!

Damian Chew
Business Manager
Egg Story

PS : However, you must admit ..... for a made in Singapore project, it is fantastic isn't it .....