Monday, March 06, 2006

Serious posts! Wah?

So as you may have noticed, todays posts were a bit more serious than my usual fare. Welcome to Serious Sunday. You see, I'm interested in a whole range of things- mostly about entertainment, culture and technology, but also environmental, social and political issues. I just don't (or haven't) blogged about them very much. Well, I'm still not going to blog about political issues very much- I don't really have much to add to discourse on President Bush's trip to the Indian subcontinent, say- but every Sunday (starting today, though it's technically Monday morning now) I'll put up slightly-more serious posts linking to interesting information about environmental or social issues I find online. Stuff that's hopefully informative and interesting to read too. So yeah, I'm gonna try for 6 days of entertainment, 1 day of seriousness (though that isn't a hard n fast rule by any means). Let's see how this works out!

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