Friday, March 31, 2006

Steve Yegge on Math for Programmers- again!

More than a year after he wrote a blog post titled Math Every Day- the same one I found 2 weeks ago- Steve Yegge's written a follow-up post on a new blog he's started (check it out- it's interesting!). He's got a few cool ideas, based on his experiences. For one thing, he thinks maths is taught all wrong in schools. He thinks schools spend too much time teaching students the details of a few branches of maths- because of that, we never figure out how it all fits together. The Bigger Picture, so to speak. His says that acquiring a broader knowledge about math is far more useful (and why? In Yegge's words: Because the first step to applying mathematics is problem identification.) and suggests Wikipedia as a tool to this end. I think he's onto something here!

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